... unter diesem Titel hat Doug Bartow von id29 (sehr schön ist auch diese Seite hier: slay the scary monsters) in "HOW-Design ideas at work" einen Artikel veröffentlicht.
Ich mag solche Dinge ja gern - Informationen kurz und knackig als Grafik präsentiert; Schlagworte, die mich immer mal wieder ausbalancieren; Tipps und Ratschläge von welchen, die es wissen könnten.
Wer den ganzen Artikel lesen möchte, in dem noch einmal jeder Punkt genauer erklärt wird, findet diesen hier.
Zwei meiner Lieblingsaspekte gebe ich hier schon einmal wieder (gibt ja immer welche, die leider wenig Zeit haben, den Links zu folgen):
Find and save relevant and interesting things and pass them along to your friends, co-workers, followers and clients. Use the web and social media to share your own photos and work, as well as the work of others you find engaging. Be funny, serious, irreverent, businesslike, self-promotional, curatorial, whatever—just be yourself. For everyday inspiration, surround your workplace with the design ephemera you collect (see No. 5).
Find and save relevant and interesting things and pass them along to your friends, co-workers, followers and clients. Use the web and social media to share your own photos and work, as well as the work of others you find engaging. Be funny, serious, irreverent, businesslike, self-promotional, curatorial, whatever—just be yourself. For everyday inspiration, surround your workplace with the design ephemera you collect (see No. 5).
Keep current on the state of our industry by reading books, magazines and blogs, and attending conferences. RSS feeds will allow you to quickly skim design- and culture-related content. Avoid design annuals as a source of inspiration, as they’re a record of what’s already been done. Study the work of others to understand it, not to duplicate it.
Keep current on the state of our industry by reading books, magazines and blogs, and attending conferences. RSS feeds will allow you to quickly skim design- and culture-related content. Avoid design annuals as a source of inspiration, as they’re a record of what’s already been done. Study the work of others to understand it, not to duplicate it.

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